Skill focus:

HSPU and hand stand walks




10 hspu

15 ring dips

20 pullups

30 pushups

40 situps


Congrats to Sebastian and Jessilyn who were engaged this weekend and congrats to the Illas family who welcomed their daughter, Vivian Rose, on Sunday!


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Thanks for coming out to the Red Bull Wings For Life kick off party.  If you would like more info on this awesome event, visit  you can sign up to go to the run at CCP.  Transportation will be provided!


These are WODS 2 and 3 for the Spring challenge.  All 4 of the challenge WODS are posted at the box.  Remember that your attendance counts toward your overall score.  You can submit extra credit WODS (with photo proof) for a maximum of 7 points per week.


8 min AMRAP

5 burpee box step ups at the top of each minute

max deadlifts for remainder of minute rx (225/135) scaled (135/95)



relay for time

100 m farmer’s carry (each partner) RX (75/55) scaled (55/35)

100 m oh plate lunges (each partner) RX (45/25) scaled (25/15)

100 m partner over unders (1 time together)

100 m sprint (each partner)


15 min AMRAP

15 V-ups

10 dumbbell snatches (35/25) rx (55/35) rx+

5 TGU using same dumbbell


then, a plank hold contest

Drop before 2 minutes, do 40 burpees.

drop before 3:00, do 30 burpees

drop before 4:00, do 20 burpees

drop before 5:00, do 10 burpees

after 5:00, no burpees!
