3 rounds-Fight Gone Bad style

1 min deadlift 275/155

1 min burpee box stepups

1 min toes to bar

1 min push press

rest 1 min


finisher-100m overhead plate lunges
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Burgener Warm Up




10 min EMOM

one power snatch and one squat snatch at the following percentages:

minutes 1-3 75% of 1 rm

minutes 4-6 80%

minute 7 85%

minute 8  90%

minute 9 95%

minute 10 go for 1 rm



21 squat snatches

9 bar muscle ups

15 squat snatches

6 bar muscle ups

9 squat snatches

3 bar muscle ups



Dan’s Fail!

10 min AMRAP

30 DUs

5 wallballs

30 DUs

10 wallballs

30 DUs

15 wallballs

Continue to increase by 5 wallballs



rest 2 minutes


10 min AMRAP

5 swings

30 hollow rocks

10 swings

30 hollow rocks

15 swings

30 hollow rocks

continue to increase by 5 swings
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