“Michele A. ”

100m traveling bar work (lunge right, back squat, lunge left, back squat) 95/65

50 swings 55/35

40 power cleans 95/65\

30 clean & jerks 95/65

20 barbell rollouts 95/65

10 burpulls

Michele in the beginning!

Michele in the beginning!

DSC_1495 MA

Michele now.. WOD was no joke! But we are not surprised. Michele only has A game!

Michele now.. WOD was no joke! But we are not surprised. Michele only has A game!

in teams of 3: One person working at a time.. equipment can not stop moving!!!

6min AMRAP

Squat Cleans 135/95

rest 2min

6min AMRAP

Pull Ups

rest 2min

6min AMRAP

Swings 75/55

Rest 2min

50m sled pushes


Calculator anyone??


Making the sled look good!

61401 61402 61405 61406

“Lindsay Weaver”

20 OHS 95/65

10 reverse burpees

10 TGU 35/25

400m run


5k girls2

Thank you Lindsay for a great way to end the week! We appreciate off the mobility work you have brought to the box!

Thank you Lindsay for a great way to end the week! We appreciate off the mobility work you have brought to the box!
