Great WOD Javi!! Always fun having you at the box! Thank you for all the energy you bring to CCP! We thank you for the eye candy too!

Great WOD Javi!! Always fun having you at the box! Thank you for all the energy you bring to CCP! We thank you for the eye candy too!

javi1 javi2 tank



snatches 95/65

pull ups

rest 3min


front squats 95/65

swings 55/35



Congrats to all our athletes that competed in Battle Of The boxes!! They all did AWESOME!

50 toes to rings buy in

15 box jumps 24/20

20 ring dips

25 toes 2 plate


50 burpee buy out




3rm Push Press

“Melanie D”

20 min AMRAP

400m run

20 ring rows

10 thrusters 95/65


Great workout Melanie!!! Thank you for being a part of the CCP family!

Great workout Melanie!!! Thank you for being a part of the CCP family!