photoxmas8 photoxmas9 photoxmas7Clean and Jerk Complex

1 squat clean + 1 jerk + 2 front squats +1 jerk

** 12 minutes to build up to max 1rm **

rest 3 min

15 power cleans 185/135

30 t2b




Thank you Maloney’s for having us! We had a great time! Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated with us!

photo xmas photoxmas2 photoxmas3 photoxmas4 8min AMRAP

Max Gassers

*5 burpees at the top of each min

rest 2 min

8min AMRAP

Max Double Unders

85 burpees at the top of each min

rest 2 min

8min AMRAP

Max Sit Ups

*5 burpees at the top of each min

**score is max reps**


Congrats to sara and ryan on their first place finish in the fall challenge!

Congrats to sara and ryan on their first place finish in the fall challenge!

photor photosInverse TABATA 10 sec work/ 20 sec rest total 4 min

1. Front Squat

2. Deadlift

75% of 1rm

rest 2 min


deadlift 315/225

bar muscle ups