22min AMRAP
60 DU (180 singles)
30 OHS 95/65
40 DU (120 singles)
20 OHS 95/65
20 DU (60 singles)
10 OHS 95/65
400m Run


3 Rounds of:
1min Toes 2 Bar
1min Deadlifts 135/95
1min Wallballs
1min Push Press 135/95
1min Rest

Max Burpees in 5 min

Front Squat Max Load (5-3-1)
Perform 3 sets with 5 reps, 3 reps and 1 rep, add total weight for all sets.

Swings 70/55
DB Snatches 70/55
Goblet Lunge 70/55
(12 min Cap)

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