WOD 11.21.13 Technique front squat 20 min AMRAP even minutes 8 Burpees odd minutes 3 Curtis p’s 95/65 CCP supporting the community.. Coach Jen letting the kids know importance of health At Citrus Park Elementary School during this weeks Great American Teach In. November 22, 2013/by ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png ccp2013-11-22 07:53:332013-11-22 07:53:3311.21.13