
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
100m Run
30 Sit Ups
100m Run
20 Hollow Rocks
100m Run
10 Toes to Bar
100m Run
rest 1 min


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
25 min AMRAP
50m OH Walking Plate lunge (45/35)
40 Plate Push Ups (push up on plate)
30 Plate Split Jumps
20 Plate Burpees (jump on plate for each burpee)
10 Plate Stand Ups lay downs*


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 rounds of DB Thrusters
1 min max reps then 3 min rest
Round 1: 35/25
Round 2: 55/35
Round 3: 35/25
Round 4: 55/35
Metcon (Time)
Alt Renegade Row (55/35)
Toes to DB