
Metcon (Time)
WOD #1
50 Thrusters (95/65) (5 burpee penalty each time you drop)
Metcon (Time)
WOD #2
200m Sled Pull (5 burpee penalty each time you stop)
Metcon (Time)
WOD #3
100 Wallballs (5 burpee penalty each time you drop)


Bench Press (15 min to find 5 rm)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
9 min AMRAP
2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 and so on
Deadlift (205/135)
Pull Ups
HR Push Ups
keep adding 2 reps to each movement as you progress through..


Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
10 burpees
10 OHS (65/45)
100m Run
rest 1 min
2 rounds
20 burpees
20 OHS (95/65)
200m Run
rest 1 min
1 round
30 burpees
30 OHS (135/95)
300m run