Technique: weighted pushup
21-15-9 of the following:
squat snatch 95/65

Looks like we ran out of bumpers!

pu1 pu3

run 400m5 clean and jerks 95/65

10 TGU (5 per arm) 45/25

15 ball slams

20 box jumps 24/20

30 swings 75/55

20 box jumps

15 ball slams

10 TGU 45/25

5 clean and jerks 95/65

run 400m

Great news.. Brittany's lungs and liver are all clear! She is doing great! We are so thankful. Could not have made it without the thoughts and prayers from you all!

Great news.. Brittany’s lungs and liver are all clear! She is doing great! We are so thankful for the thoughts and prayers from you all!



1RM back squat

10 Thrusters 95/65

15 bar facing burpees

20 Thrusters

25 bar facing burpees

30 Thrusters

35 bar facing burpees


Welcome to the mom's class boys!!

Welcome to the mom’s class boys!!