
Saturday 2/16 is the benefit WOD if you would like to sign up early please send an email to Melgoodrich47@gmail.com. WOD is $20 donation or WOD+Tshirt $30 donation.. Come support an amazing family!

Saturday 2/16 is the benefit WOD if you would like to sign up early please let any coach know!! WOD is $20 donation or WOD+Tshirt $30 donation.. Come support an amazing family!

Technique: Hang Clean  3-3-3-3-3

7 min AMRAP
hand-release bumper plate burpees (mst release hands on the ground and jump onto bumper plate.. full hip/knee extension)
*reps count towards challenge
Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday at our benefit WOD for Brittany! We will have live music, fun, and as always a great WOD! There will also be a silent auction with great items!

Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday at our benefit WOD for Brittany! We will have live music, fun, and as always a great WOD! There will also be a silent auction with great items!

20 min AMRAP

5 pull ups

10 box jumps 24/20

15 Deadlifts 185/135



Congrats to Adam and Dawn on their brand new baby girl! Baby and Mommy are doing great!

20 pistols
25 ring dips
25 ball slams
400m med ball run
50 deadlifts 135/95
50 push-ups
50 box jumps 24/20
50 wipers 135/95
50 dumbbell renegade rows 50/25
400m med ball run
25 ball slams
25 ring dips
20 pistol squats