15 swings (55/75)
100m sprint
rest 1 minute
working Not sure if I would call these guys to fix anything but they sure look good trying! Way to balance Mr Danny!!

12 minutes to establish 1RM thruster (from racked position)

Thrusters (95/65)
 fran fran2
400m run
10 reverse burpees
20 T2B
30 wall balls
40 deadlift (95/65)
50 hang cleans (95/65)
60 double unders
400m run
 We are excited to announce that our Kid’s Positive Athletics program will begin on Tuesday, April 23rd!
Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:45-5:15.  Classes will be FREE OF CHARGE for the remainder of April, so have your child come try it out!  We do ask that parents stay on the premises to ensure the safety of our participants.