50 m tire flip

200 deficit tire jumps

run around the block

50 m tire flip

200 decline push-ups

run around the block

50 m tire flip

200 dips

run around the block

50 m tire flip

200 burpee tire jumps


Strength: push press

3 reps at 50%,2 at 60%, 1 at 70%, 1 at 80%, 1 at 90%, and shoot for PR on last rep






hang snatch (115-75)image image image

For time:

30 t2b

30 deadlifts 225/155

30 back squats 135/95

100 DU

30 front squats 135/95

rest 2 minutes

15 front squats

15 DU

15 back squats

15 deadlifts

15 t2bimage image