Thruster (1-1-1-1-1)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
0-3 min
2 rounds
3 box jumps (Step up allowed for Rx) (24/20)
3 thrusters (95/65)
3-6 min
2 rounds
6 box jumps
6 thrusters
6-9 min
2 rounds
9 box jumps
9 thrusters
Keep going until you cannot complete both rounds within the allotted time.
2 rounds
3 box jumps (Step up allowed for Rx) (24/20)
3 thrusters (95/65)
3-6 min
2 rounds
6 box jumps
6 thrusters
6-9 min
2 rounds
9 box jumps
9 thrusters
Keep going until you cannot complete both rounds within the allotted time.