400m Run (Time)
Max Effort 400m Run
Metcon (Time)
Partner 1 – Performs 30 push press (135/95) while partner 2 is in a handstand hold against the wall
Partner 2 Perorms 30 Push press while partner 1 is in a handstand hold against the wall
Partner 1 – Performs 30 burpees while partner hold the bar in a overhead position
Partner 2 – Performs 30 Burpees while parter 1 hold the bar overhead
Partner 1 – Performs 30 back squats while partner 2 hangs from the bar
Partner 2 – Performs 30 back squats while partner 1 hangs from the bar
If the partner is not in a handstand hold, plank hold, overhead bar hold, or hanging then the other partner cannot complete their reps.
Partner 2 Perorms 30 Push press while partner 1 is in a handstand hold against the wall
Partner 1 – Performs 30 burpees while partner hold the bar in a overhead position
Partner 2 – Performs 30 Burpees while parter 1 hold the bar overhead
Partner 1 – Performs 30 back squats while partner 2 hangs from the bar
Partner 2 – Performs 30 back squats while partner 1 hangs from the bar
If the partner is not in a handstand hold, plank hold, overhead bar hold, or hanging then the other partner cannot complete their reps.