Oregon Trail
20 Ox Complexes for time (135/95)
400m at the top of every 5 minutes (start with a 400m Run at 0:00)
(1 Ox Complex = 9 Deadlifts + 6 Hang Cleans + 3 S2O)
35 min Cap
FIt Citrus Park
7615 Ehrlich Rd.
Tampa, FL 33625
Oregon Trail
20 Ox Complexes for time (135/95)
400m at the top of every 5 minutes (start with a 400m Run at 0:00)
(1 Ox Complex = 9 Deadlifts + 6 Hang Cleans + 3 S2O)
35 min Cap
7615 Ehrlich Rd.
Tampa, FL 33625