4min Tabata Mash Up .. 20 sec work 10 sec rest of the following:

Ring Rows

Box jumps 24/20

rest 2 min

War Ropes

DB Snatches 55/35

rest 2 min

Sledge  Hammer Slams

Ball Slams

rest 2 min

Swings 55/35




91110 min AMRAP

50 bar facing burpees

30 back squats 95/65

10 t2b

rest 2 min

800m run

rest 2min

400m run

rest 1 min


20 min EMOM

3 Deadlifts (odd min)

3 Push Press (even min)

75% of 1 rm for each lift

Great job working on mobility the last few weeks! Stretching after the WOD is just as important.

Great job working on mobility the last few weeks! Stretching after the WOD is just as important.
