Challenge WOD #4

15 min AMRAP

3 thrusters 65/45

30 DU’s (60 jj or 120 singles)

**add 3 thrusters each round**

Score is total reps

2nd Annual Kickball tournament.. Sunday 1pm. Carrollwood Meadows Park!! Do not miss out!

2nd Annual Kickball tournament.. Sunday 1pm. Carrollwood Meadows Park!! Do not miss out!

Challenge WOD #3

In 35 min complete as many reps as possible

100 sit ups

90 alt lunges

80 swings 55/35

70 squats

60 ball slams

50 KTE

40 power cleans 95/65

30 pull ups

20 snatches 95/65


Great job!

Great job!

You all killed this one!

You all killed this one!

Huge improvement!

Huge improvement!

WOD #3..

Awesome work!


Challenge WOD #1 (repeat)

7 min AMRAP

7 burpees

7 wall balls

rest 5 min

Challenge WOD #2

1 mile run for time

Happy Birthday!!! Maita! Great job on adding 10 extra reps to WOD #1 and shaving 40 seconds off your mile!!!

Happy Birthday!!! Maita! Great job on adding 10 extra reps to WOD #1 and shaving 40 seconds off your mile!!!

Almost everyone showed improvement yesterday! Great work in 6 weeks!

Almost everyone showed improvement yesterday! Great work in 6 weeks!