1 burpee buy in
50 tire flips
1 rope climb
100m sprint
50 t2b
1 rope climb
100m sprint
50 ohs 95/65
1 rope climb
100m sprint
50 wall balls
1 rope climb
100m sprint
1 burpee buy out
We love you Jerome!!!
1 burpee buy in
50 tire flips
1 rope climb
100m sprint
50 t2b
1 rope climb
100m sprint
50 ohs 95/65
1 rope climb
100m sprint
50 wall balls
1 rope climb
100m sprint
1 burpee buy out
We love you Jerome!!!
22 min AMRAP
200 DU’s
remaining time
10 HPC 135/95
15 dips
We love you Angie and Mike.. You will be missed!!!
Technique front squat
20 min AMRAP
even minutes 8 Burpees
odd minutes 3 Curtis p’s 95/65
CCP supporting the community.. Coach Jen letting the kids know importance of health At Citrus Park Elementary School during this weeks Great American Teach In.