Thank you to everyone who brought a friend to the open WOD.. We had a great turnout! We hope everyone had fun and enjoyed the box!


1 minute stations.. 4rds of the following:

Swings 55/35

400m run


400m run

Push Press 95/65

400m run

Ring Dips

400m run

20 min AMRAP

10 weighted sit ups 20/15

20 wall balls 20/14

30 du’s

Don't forget to sign up for the Pediatric Cancer 5k..September 28th. Reminder there is no Saturday WOD that day! Come support a great cause!

Don’t forget to sign up for the Pediatric Cancer 5k..September 28th. Reminder there is no Saturday WOD that day! Come support a great cause!



Technique: 3rm Snatch


Clean and Jerk 135/95

box jumps 24/20


Saturday 9/14 bring a friend to the 9am WOD and receive $10 off the fat loss challenge!

Saturday 9/14 bring a friend to the 9am WOD and receive $10 off the fat loss challenge!