hsput 5 hspu
10 deadlifts (295/155)
15 pull ups
200 m run
5 rft
Technique:  snatch 3rm
Snatches (135/95)

From 101 class to Snatches! Nice work Ricardo! Welcome to CCP.. You're gonna fit in just fine!

From 101 class to Snatches! Nice work Ricardo! Welcome to CCP.. You’re gonna fit in just fine!


Buy in: 50 sit ups
20 thrusters 95/65
20 box jumps
30 sdhp 95/65
30 box jumps
40 swings 55/35
30 box jumps
30 sdhp
20 box jumps
20 thrusters
Buy out: 50 sit ups
Great job guys! Hope you liked your birthday gift Shawn!

Great job guys! Hope you liked your birthday gift Shawn!