Endurance WOD #2

Complete as many exercises within the allotted time frame.  Start each round at the beginning.

Round 1: 3 min Work + 2 min Rest

Round 2: 6 min Work + 3 min Rest

Round 3: 9 min Work + 4 min Rest

Round 4: 12 min Work

20 Reps of Burpees -> Wall Balls -> Swings (75#/55#) -> KTE -> Box Jumps -> Ring Dips

Note from Dan: “All the participants in the Endurance WODs seem to have stepped their games up.  I know this is only the second one but the effort and energy has been great.  It is a real pleasure coaching this class. If you want these to continue after the challenge, then come and see me so I can hear your thoughts on how to impliment it into our program.”

Round 3…Look at Mike Buck.

Teams of 4

35 min Time Limit: Teams of 4

Complete Each Station.  When Finished with all stations perform max burpees until time expires.

1) 200 Snatches (65/45)

2) 200 Box Jumps

3) 200M Sled Pulls

4) 200M Tire Flips

5) 200M Ro


Back Squat: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1


5 Thrusters (95/65)

7 Hang Cleans


Endurance WOD Sunday from 11 to 1













Stop whipping yourself! Double Under Clinic Sunday 12 to 1 with Coach Danielle.. Cost is $10.