
800m run

12 Thrusters

12 Pullups


Nice way to start Saturday! We know all of you are busy and CCP appreciates that you take the time to share a WOD with us!


The kids get to have fun too! Check out all the great costumes we had!

Great turnout for the Freaky Friday 5k run! Great job everyone.. hope you enjoyed the suprises along the way!
5 cleans 95/65
10 ring dips
10 ball slams 20/14
20 air squats
20 mountain climbers
 7 RFT


Technique Deadlift

12min AMRAP

6 sdhp 95/65

12 reverse ball burpees

12 du (48 singles)

**In just a short period of time so many of you are crushing workouts and making huge improvements on all lifts! Just want to say great job to all and a special shout out to some of you who PR’d on Deadlifts.. Michelle Garcia (205), Danielle (255), Jamie (245), and Angie (235).. Great job ladies! Sorry boys I’ ll get you next time!