1 mile med ball run with a partner (to bridge)

50 split jumps – run over the bridge and back

50 alt lunges – run over the bridge and back

50 jump squats – run over the bridge and back

50 push ups – run over the bridge and back

1 mile run – with med ball back to CCP

and he does it again! AMAZING!!

and he does it again! AMAZING!!

Tabata” 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for eight cycles

Score is the LOWEST number of reps performed during the eight cycles for each of the following movements:
Air Squats rest at the bottom of the squat below parallel
*1 minute rest
Chinups rest with chin above the bar
*1 minute rest
Pushups  rest in plank position
1 minute rest
Ball Slams0802

60 swings 55/35

50 box jumps 24/20

40 alt goblet lunges 55/35

30 ring rows

20 walk out push ups

10 clean and jerks 135/95