
Metcon (Weight)
16 EOMOM (8 rounds)
2 power cleans + 1 split jerk
Increase after rds 2, 4, and 6
Metcon (Time)
20 Bar Over Burpees
15 Clean and Jerks (115/80)
10 OH Barbell Lunge right leg (115/80)
10 OH Barbell Lunge left leg
15 C&J
20 Bar Over Burpees
15 min Cap


Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
10 alternating one arm medball push ups(10 each arm, 20 total)
20 medball situps
30 wallballs
400m medball run
(For the medball push ups, one arm is on the medball and the other is on the ground; switch arms each time)


Bench Press (Alternate sets with front squat)
Front Squat (from ground; alt sets wtih bench press)
Compare with 6/9/19
Metcon (Time)
Toes to Plate