CrossFit – Sat, Oct 1

Metcon (Time)
<p>&nbsp;Teams of Two:&nbsp;</p><p>1 Mile Run (together)&nbsp;</p><p>Then</p><p>100 Goblet Squats 55/35</p><p>75 DB Snatch 55/35</p><p>50 Burpees</p><p>25 Toes to Bar</p><p>400 M Sprint (Together)&nbsp;</p><p> </p><p>One works while the other rests except for run&nbsp;</p>


Metcon (Weight)
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Warm Up:
5-7 min Working on form and slowly adding weight
5 sets x 3 reps
increase weight each set as permissible

<p>5 min max cal row</p>


Metcon (Time)
Anyway you want it
200 DB Snatches (35/25)
200 Lunges
100 Box Jumps
100 HR Push Ups
50 DB Sit Ups (35/25)
50 T2B
(for the DB Sit Ups, the DB touch behind the head and you finish with the db full extended overhead with both hands at the top of the sit up)