Entries by CCP


strength focus-Push Press 3,3,2,,1,1 15 min. AMRAP 10 HSPU 10 box jumps 10 rings rows


OPEN GYM 11AM – 1PM Hats off to Dave Schmidt! He has made a great transformation into Crossfit! We at Croosfit Citrus Park are lucky to have him! “since starting the crossfit workouts I’ve lost ~15 pounds and dropped a full pants size. The biggest area I’ve seen improvement is in my core (abs and […]


Teams of 4 800M Run 200 Swings (#55/35) 400M Run 200 Box Jumps 400M Run 200 Power Cleans (#135/95) 400M Run 200 Knees to Elblow 800M Run with MB