Entries by CCP


100 Double-Under buy-in 50 Swings (55/45) 40 T2B 30 Wall Balls 20 Box Jumps (30/24) 10 Power Cleans (185/115) 5 Muscle-Ups (Bar or Ring)…sub is 20 pullups   FT


In Teams of 2…complete the follwoing exercises 150 pull ups 1000m run (as a team) 120 thrusters 95/65 800m run (as a team) 90 box jumps 200m (as a team) 80 partner sit ups with med ball 80 HSPU 40 Tire flips 20 rope climbs FT


5-7 minutes on max weight Turkish get up on both arms 20 minute AMRAP 3 TGU each arm 35/20 5 clapping push-ups 7 goblet squats 35/20 200m sprint