
Metcon (Weight)
Tempo Back Squat
(3 sec slow descent, 1 sec pause at bottom, then press up slowly to top)
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
10 Pull Ups
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 min Cap


Metcon (Time)
Teams of Two
400m Medball indian run (partner 1 throws the medball to partner 2, then partner 1 runs past partner 2 where partner 2 throws the medball to partner 1. Keep repeating until you reach 400m. If you drop it you go back 10m from where you threw it.)
40 synchronized medball touch push ups (both partners face the medball, complete a push up, and then touch it. To be performed synchronized)
80 alt. partner wallballs (partner 1 does a wall ball and throws the medball so it rebounds and is caught by partner 2)
100 alt. medball box step overs (partner 1 step over and step back for the medball then passes it to partner 2; over and back = 2 reps)
80 alt. partner wallballs
40 synchronized medball touch push ups
400m Medball indian run


Metcon (Weight)
Press Complex
5 rounds of increasing weight
1 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk
Metcon (Time)
10 cal Row
rest 10s
20 cal Row
rest 20s
30 cal Row
rest 30s
40 cal Row