
Bench Press (5 RM )
Metcon (Time)
1-10 DB Snatch (55/35) (70/55 RX+)
10-1 goblet squats (55/35) (70/55 RX+)
(1 db snatch, 10 GS, 2 db snatch, 9 GS, 3,8; etc)


Metcon (Time)
10 rounds
10 ring rows
10 v ups
Team 400m run
10 Rounds
10 box jump overs
10 swings (70/55)
Team 400m run w DB
10 rounds
10 rev plate burpees
10 split jumps w plate
Team 400m run w Plate and DB
Switch partners after each round. One partner completes the entire round while the other rests


Overhead Lunge (18 min EOMOM-4 Reps)
alternating legs
One Rep = One rep completed for one leg
Metcon (Time)
2 rounds
25m OH BB Lunge (95/65)
10 Over the bar burpees
25m OH BB Lunge
10 Over the bar burpees