
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
100m OH DB Walk (35/25) (walk with both dbs overhead at the same time)
10 Manmakers (35/25)
20 DB Push Ups (35/25)
20 Double DB Swings (35/25) (Swing both dbs at the same time)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30 min AMRAP
50 DU
10 DL (185/135)
10 Toes to Bar
rest 2 min


Metcon (Time)
2 rounds
400m Run
20 Hang Cleans & Jerks (115/80)
after completing the 2 rounds…rest 4 min
1 round
800m Run
20 Hang Cleans & Jerks (135/95)