WOD CrossFit WOD, April 9, 2019 04.09.19 Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 400m Run 20 Box Jumps rest 3 minutes 1 round 800m Run 40 Box Jumps (30 min Cap) Metcon (Time) 100 Toes to Plate April 9, 2019/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2019-04-09 06:00:002019-04-09 06:00:00CrossFit WOD, April 9, 2019
WOD CrossFit WOD, April 8, 2019 04.08.19 Metcon (Weight) Back Squat 25 min to score a 5 RM, 3 RM, and 1 RM Score is total load Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 7 min AMRAP 2 Front Squats (95/65) 2 Pull Ups 4 FS 4 Pull Ups 6 FS 6 Pull Ups and so on… April 8, 2019/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2019-04-08 06:00:002019-04-08 06:00:00CrossFit WOD, April 8, 2019
WOD CrossFit WOD, April 6, 2019 04.06.19 Whitten (Time) 5 Rounds for time: 22 Kettlebell swings, 70# / 50# 22 Box jump, 24” / 20" 400m Run 22 Burpees 22 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# /14# In honor of Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, died February 2, 2010 April 6, 2019/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2019-04-06 06:00:002019-04-06 06:00:00CrossFit WOD, April 6, 2019