4 Rounds
20 Burpees
10 shetty complex
20 ring rows
100m farmers carry (55/35)
4 Rounds
20 Burpees
10 shetty complex
20 ring rows
100m farmers carry (55/35)
1 RM Thruster
(from the rack)
0-3 min
2 rounds
3 box jumps (Step up allowed for Rx) (24/20)
3 thrusters (95/65)
3-6 min
2 rounds
6 box jumps
6 thrusters
6-9 min
2 rounds
9 box jumps
9 thrusters
Keep going until you cannot complete both rounds within the alloted time.
20 min AMRAP
25m Walking OH Plate Lunges (45/25)
20 Plate Sit Ups (45/25)
15 Plate HR Push Ups (plate on back)(25/15)
10 Plate Hollow Rocks
50m walking lunge
40 sit ups
30 HR push ups
20 Hollow Rocks