Cardio challenge
3 rounds of:
4 min AMRAP
400m runthen Max burpees
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Challenge WOD 4
Teams of 2-1person works, 1 rests)
100 split jumps
80 push press (95/65) rx (65/45) scaled
60 toes to bar (RX) knee raises (scaled)
40 thrusters
200 m sled push

25 Min AMRAP
5 Burpulls
10 Ring Dips
15 Wall Balls
200m Run


3 Squat Cleans + 3 Push Press
10 min EMOM
Perform 3 Squat Cleans & 3 Push Press each minute; Increase Weight after rounds 4 and 7
Metcon (Time)
Pull Ups
Box Jumps (24/20)


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