1 min max reps of the following: (clock stays running)

Toes to Ring

Box Jumps

DB Push Press 55/35

Split Jumps

1 min rest

3rds score is total reps

Rest 5 min

100 wall balls FT

*7 burpee penalty every time you drop the ball*

This year Florida was able to send over 400 pounds of  Halloween candy to to the troops! Thanks CCP for your contribution!

This year Florida was able to send over 400 pounds of Halloween candy to the troops! Thanks CCP for your contribution!

photo 2-7 photo 3-6



Week 4 of Front Squat technique:

**Please make sure to keep track of your gains. We also need to remember it is not about the weight on the bar but it is about the form of the squat.. Keep up the good work! **


Back Squat 135/95 (from the ground)

rest 2 minutes


Toes to Plate 45/25

*Score is total reps*

Working Hard!

Working Hard!