oliver8min AMRAP

10 deadlifts 135/95


rest 3 min

3rds of the following:

1 min hr push ups

1 min plank hold

1 min toes 2 plate

1 min plank hold


0918 0918-1 0918-2 0918-8 0918-9

Can you decide which picture belongs with the 3/6/9 AMRAPS??? HMMMM… Great job to all!

3min AMRAP

10 pull ups

10 thrusters 95/65

10 burpees

10 thrusters 95/65

rest 2 min

Repeat exercises for a 6 min AMRAP

rest 3 min

Repeat exercises for a 9 min AMRAP..

score is total reps

100 Snatches 95/65


**At the top of each minute 5 burpees until you reach 100 snatches**


Team Bitty shirts on sale for the 5k Saturday. Shirts are $15! All money raised goes to Pediatric Cancer Foundation!

Team Bitty shirts on sale for the 5k Saturday. Shirts are $15! All money raised goes to Pediatric Cancer Foundation!