Mark your calendar's!! 9/13/2014 Hannah Richards will be at CCP giving an Oly Seminar.. including gymnastic movements as well! Details out soon!

Mark your calendar’s!! 9/13/2014 Hannah Richards (4th finisher in the Southeast Region) will be at CCP giving an Oly Seminar.. including gymnastic movements as well! Details out soon!

hannah2 1797432_10202115842673116_745252369682759379_n 10290630_10203963519392518_286278335941180550_n  400m run .. then

30 thrusters 65/45

20 pull ups

2rds (cut off at 10 min )

400m run .. then


30 G2O 135/95

(cut off at 20 min)

400m run .. then

50 T2B

50 OHS 65/95

50 hollow rock

(cut off at 30 min )

Score is total amount of rest time


“Jen Mason”

50 DU’s

40 DB Snatches 55/35

30 C2B Pullups

20 Alt Pistols

10  TGU 55/35

100m sprint


Great WOD Jen!!!

DSC_0760 DSC_1342 14.341


Great workout Darrin! Thank you for all your time and effort for our COUNTRY!

Great workout Darrin! Thank you for all your time and effort for our COUNTRY!

DSC_0666 Darren


5 Front Squats 155/115

10 Ring Push ups

15  Toes 2 Plate