Challenge WOD #3

100 sit ups

90 alt lunges

80 swings 55/35

70 air squats

60 ball slams

50 KTE

40  power cleans 95/65

30 pull ups

20 snatches 95/65]


**35 min time cap score is total reps**taylore

How do you like our new tanks??

How do you like our new tanks??

Challenge WOD #1

7 min AMRAP

7 wallballs 20/14

7 burpees

Challenge WOD #2

1 mile for time

**Please make sure to post all of your scores if you are in the Spring Challenge**


Great turnout! Thanks you to everyone who brought a friend…We had an amazing turnout! Thank you Red Bull for the DJ and the food! Thank you for educating us on the “Wings for Life run” we hope to get that bus full of people!