50 double unders

6 bar or ring muscle ups

50 wall balls

3 rft

CCP is very proud of these two ladies! Both of them have been forced (in a nice way) to add weight to that bar! This past weekend it paid off in the Iron Girl Half Marathon!


Ingrid has run a few halfs but never this fast! Great job on the PR..

Ingrid has run a few halfs but never this fast! Great job on the PR..


Kelly ran her first half marathon this past weekend! She registred just the day before! She had faith that her Crossfit training would have her ready! Great job Kelly.. and Happy Birthday!

Kelly ran her first half marathon this past weekend! She registred just the day before! She had faith that her Crossfit training would have her ready! Great job Kelly.. and Happy Birthday!


50 ring dips

400m run

21 thrusters 95/65

21 wipers 95/65

800m run

21 thrusters

21 wipers

400m run

50 ring dips

Thanks for WODing with us! Now you can take your minions back to VA with you!

Thanks for WODing with us! Now you can take your minions back to VA with you!

200m walking lunges

50 burpees

25 g2o 115/75

50 goblet squats 55/25

25 g2o

50 burpees

200m walking lunges DSC_1016 DSC_1017 DSC_1023 DSC_1024 DSC_1029