Challenge WOD #4

15 min AMRAP

3 thrusters 65/45

30 double unders

6 thrusters

30 double unders

9 thrusters .. increase by 3 thrusters each round. Score is total reps.

You made it.. all the challenge WODS are complete. You have weighed in and taken body fat. Now it is up to you to own the next 6 weeks!  Get After It!

You made it.. all the challenge WODS are complete. You have weighed in and taken body fat. Now it is up to you to own the next 6 weeks! Get After It!



Challenge WOD #3

100 sit ups

90 alt lunges

80 swings 55/35

70 air squats

60 ball slams

50 KTE

40  power cleans 95/65

30 pull ups

20 snatches 95/65]


**35 min time cap score is total reps**taylore