WOD 06.04.12 – 06.09.12 The week that was… June 9, 2012/0 Comments/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2012-06-09 17:32:172012-06-09 17:32:1706.04.12 - 06.09.12
WOD 06.09.12 JAG 28 28 Swings (70#/50#) 28 Dead Hang Pull Ups 28 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks (70#/50#) 28 Dead Hang Pull Ups BONUS: 9:00 AM TUG OF WAR Winning team on the left June 9, 2012/0 Comments/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2012-06-09 17:31:012012-06-09 17:31:0106.09.12
WOD 06.08.12 30 push ups 30 mountain climbers 30 OH lunges 45/35 10 tuck jumps 200m run 3RFT Yes, that tire is bigger than Coach Jen June 8, 2012/0 Comments/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2012-06-08 20:20:362012-06-09 17:18:0306.08.12