
Hang Snatch (12 min EMOM @ 3 reps per min)
Increase wt after rds 3, 6, and 9
Metcon (Time)
21 Front Squats (135/95)
9 Bar MU (Sub is 2 PU + 2 Ring Dips per 1 Bar MU)
15 Front Squats
6 Bar BU
9 Front Squats
3 Bar BU


Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
400m medball Run
100 power cleans (135/95)
400m medball run
100 Over the bar burpees
400m medball run
100 wallballs
400m medball run
100 Push Up with touch to medball (push up + touch medball with left hand then touch medball with right hand)

Althletes can switch on and off as needed during each movement and can pass medball back and forth on run


365 (Time)
Movement #1: Deadlift (185/135) (breaking grip is stoppage of movement)
Movement #2: Ring Row (breaking grip is stoppage of movement-pausing at the bottom in plank is not stoppage)
Movement #3: DB Step Ups (35/25) (putting dumbbell down is stoppage of movement)
Movement #4: DB Shoulder to Overhead (35/25) (putting dumbbell down is stoppage of movement)

Athlete must complete a total of 365 reps. Athlete will perform as many reps as possible unbroken. Once you drop or break, the Athlete will take a 100m run and then switch to the next movement. The only way the Athelete can switch to the next movement is by performing a 100m run. WOD is complete when 365 total reps have been completed. A break is defined by a stoppage of movement, releasing of grip, or dropping of the weight. Athlete can begin at any movement.