Entries by CCP


Technique: Weighted Step Ups (each leg) Partner Leg Cranks (one works/one rests) 24 squats 24 lunges 24 split jumps 12 jumps squats 3rds for team time   Core Finisher: 100 hollow rocks


12 deadlifts 225 / 155 20 body blasters (burpull legs come down and then into a k2e) 12 C&J 135/95 ** use one bar/ load and unload as part of your time** 3RFT Today Brittany had her tumor removed. She is in recover and is doing well. Brittany is a very strong little girl. Her parents […]


 400m run 21 OHS 95/65 21 Burpees 400m run 15 OHS 15Burpees 400m run 9 OHS 9 Burpees FT