10 min AMRAP

Max OHS 95/65

**5 burpees at the top of each minute

score is  OHS

rest 3 min

10 min AMRAP

Max burpees

**5 OHS at the top of each minute

score is burpees

Happy 50th Barry!

Happy 50th Barry!

1rm clean n jerk

12 min AMRAP

3 k2e

3 clean n jerks

6 k2e

6 clean n jerks

9 k2e

9 clean n jerks

add 3 reps until time expires..


In teams of two: one works/one rests

60 hang snatches 95/65

40 split jumps

20 hr push ups

**both athletes have 5 burpees at the top of each minute**


12/31 am classes only 545am 645am 8am 930am 

1/1 9am WOD only