Technique: 5rm Bench Press

**Compare results to 6 weeks ago**


bench1 bench2 bench3 bowman

Festivus WOD 2

10 min AMRAP

50 bar facing burpees

30 back squats 95/65

10 T2B


200 du’s (sub is jump squats)

150 sit ups

100 swings 55/35

50 OHS 95/65

25 snatches 95/65


**Athlete can break up reps**mt

jh1 vb vb1


20 sec work 10 sec rest of the following:

1. Pull Ups

rest 2 min

2. Hollow Rocks

rest 2 min

3. Shuttles

rest 2 min

DB Shoulder Press 35/20

**As a class 4 min plank hold**
