WOD 4.18.14 25min AMRAP 100m sprint 10 pull ups 10 swings 75/55 10 burpees 5 HSPU Good luck to all the athletes competing tomorrow! Get After It CCP! April 18, 2014/by ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CCP-Logo-blue-horiz-01.png 0 0 ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CCP-Logo-blue-horiz-01.png ccp2014-04-18 21:16:052014-04-18 21:16:054.18.14
WOD 4.17.14 Congrats to Aaron and Taylor on their upcoming wedding this Saturday! 1 rm power clean 12 push press 115/75 12 SDHP 12 OHS 24 v-ups 4rft April 18, 2014/by ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CCP-Logo-blue-horiz-01.png 0 0 ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CCP-Logo-blue-horiz-01.png ccp2014-04-18 06:46:282014-04-18 06:46:284.17.14
WOD 4.16.14 25 deadlifts 185/115 400m run 50 box jumps 24/2 400m run 25 tgu 50/25 400m 2rft April 16, 2014/by ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CCP-Logo-blue-horiz-01.png 0 0 ccp http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CCP-Logo-blue-horiz-01.png ccp2014-04-16 19:17:122014-04-16 19:17:124.16.14