Tabatas of the following:
Push Press (65/45)
Alternating Dumbbell Lunges (40-45/20-25)
Ring Dips
**There will be a 400m run during exercise transition. The run begins at 3:50 (end of each round of tabatas);begin the next exercise 30 seconds after the last person completes the run. The workout will end with a 400m run. Score will be combined total of reps and calories20130330_093517
10 Ball Slams
5 min AMRAP
 rest 3 minutes
 5 Burpees
12 box jumps
12 pullups
15 min AMRAP
 Egg Hunt after Saturday 9am WOD.. bring treat filled eggs if you can!
10 Pistols (5 per leg)
15 HR pushups
10 RFT
800m Run for time
***Egg Hunt after the 9am WOD if you can please bring a dozen treat filled eggs***
