Endurance WOD #2
Complete as many exercises within the allotted time frame. Start each round at the beginning.
Round 1: 3 min Work + 2 min Rest
Round 2: 6 min Work + 3 min Rest
Round 3: 9 min Work + 4 min Rest
Round 4: 12 min Work
20 Reps of Burpees -> Wall Balls -> Swings (75#/55#) -> KTE -> Box Jumps -> Ring Dips
Note from Dan: “All the participants in the Endurance WODs seem to have stepped their games up. I know this is only the second one but the effort and energy has been great. It is a real pleasure coaching this class. If you want these to continue after the challenge, then come and see me so I can hear your thoughts on how to impliment it into our program.”