Open Gym 11am-1pm


Pumpkin Beer or not we made it.. where were you???

“The Mighty Michele”

For Time:

80 Split Jumps – 800M Run – 80 Split Jumps

60 Wall Balls – 600M Run w/ Med Ball – 60 Wall Balls

40 Thrusters (95#/65#) – 400M Run – 40 Thrusters

20 Manmakers (50#/30#) – 200M Farmer’s Carry – 20 Manmakers

Spot Light Member: Michele Alexander






This week we are “spot lighting” Michele Alexander for the incredible progress she continues to make through our fitness program.  Michele is a a fearless CrossFitter that is not afraid to push her limits and gets after every WOD.  We asked Michele a few questions about the box and this is what she had to say…

  1. What is the most noticeable physical improvement you have seen since you started at CCP? “It would be my waist and arms.”  (CCP: Michele looks ripped!!)
  2. What can you do now that you could not do before CrossFit? “I can do a 145# Back Squat now.  I never thought in a million years I would be able to lift that much weight.”
  3. If you never had to do a certain exercise or workout what would it be? “TURKISH GET UPS!”
  4. If there was a WOD named after you, what it would it be? “It would have all the hard stuff.” (CCP: Take note where an open ended comment like that gets you, future spot light members.)
  5. What makes CCP different? “Well, I have worked out for 22 years and have never been in this kind of shape I am now.  I have been to lifestyles, had several trainers, and been to 2 boot camps before joining.  You make the workouts challenging and I love a challenge (I’m very competitive).  It’s honestly like a family here and everyone is so nice and helpful.  You guys rock!”