WOD 1.11.12 10 burpee box jumps 24/20 10 burpulls 10 ball slams 6 rounds for time Time is running out! Compete or come cheer the crossfit community on! A portion of money raised will be going to our very own Brittany!! January 11, 2013/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2013-01-11 20:15:282013-01-11 20:15:281.11.12
WOD 1.10.13 It’s ok Dave and Scott K… we will take almost RX..hang in there buddy. OHS can be a mans kryptonite! 21.15.9 HPC 135/95 OHS T2B **200 m run between each round** January 10, 2013/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2013-01-10 22:48:042013-01-10 22:48:041.10.13
WOD 1.9.13 Twins? Max reps in two minutes of the following: Swings 75/55 Rowing (calories) Wallballs 20/14 Thrusters 65/45 HSPU Great start to the new challenge.. make sure you get all your 600 HSPU in for the month of January..Yes today counts! January 10, 2013/by CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png 0 0 CCP http://crossfitcitruspark.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/FitCP-Logo-blue-horiz-300x77.png CCP2013-01-10 22:38:292013-01-10 22:38:291.9.13
10 burpee box jumps 24/20
10 burpulls
10 ball slams
6 rounds for time
Time is running out! Compete or come cheer the crossfit community on! A portion of money raised will be going to our very own Brittany!!
It’s ok Dave and Scott K… we will take almost RX..hang in there buddy. OHS can be a mans kryptonite!
HPC 135/95
**200 m run between each round**
Max reps in two minutes of the following:
Swings 75/55
Rowing (calories)
Wallballs 20/14
Thrusters 65/45
Great start to the new challenge.. make sure you get all your 600 HSPU in for the month of January..Yes today counts!